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Really the only MAJOR complaint that keeps me from recommending the game is that the sharks have no indication that they're small enough to eat, I've died at least ten times now to sharks I 100% should be big enough to eat.
Maybe have them look nervous or scared when you're big enough. Either that or make it so that if you're both roughly the same size, you'll bonk each other aside instead and neither gets eaten.

Outside of that, minor issues and observations:

  1. Too easy to get pinballed in the game, bounced off of something and into something else. Namely into sharks most of the time
  2. I don't like that the game doesn't really tell you anything, like I don't know why you can feed the mermaids, and I don't know what the "fish mode" or what the mode with the halo is, and there's nothing telling you that the eel and squid abilities are activatable or how to activate them (or what they're even for, which I still don't get.) I hear the other mermaids have abilities or something, but the game doesn't indicate that either.
  3. The scale grows to a point where dodging stops being viable and you just kinda accept what happens, you get like 3 frames to dodge stuff coming from off-screen. (Feels like it should zoom out as you grow, but it doesn't. Glitch, or intended?)
  4. 10k points is weird. When I first started playing, I was regularly getting 9.5k points at around the point where the mines and pufferfish showed up, then I'd always die (once at like 9.99k, too). I then did the minigames and returned back to the main "story" and then I'm suddenly down to 5k by the time I reach the mines, despite playing better and eating more food (finally eating sharks too). I got confused, tried some more, now I can't break 3k at all, my last run was 1.9k at the mines. Feels like some math somewhere completely broke, I'm getting higher multipliers now than I used to too.
  5. Kinda sucks that "unlocking" mermaids doesn't unlock them.
  6. The game's very repetitive, especially considering the slow start every run has, nibbling away at the tiny fish.
  7. If ONE more shark bounces off a coral piece into me, I'm rating this game one star, that's more RNG than I can tolerate.
  8. Pufferfish and eels have their moments where you can't grab them, and the game implies that you're supposed to time your attempts to grab them, but we can't time them because there's no horizontal movement, so it's more RNG than "skill."

I do think I will put titles for the different game modes, good point. As for knowing when you can eat the shark, there is no warning sign when she dashes if you can eat her. The pufferfish and eel also lets you eat her if you are barely smaller than her, which is something to get used to for sure. Thanks for the feedback I appreciate it :)

The fish mode on the bottom right is a bit faster, higher spawn rates, and the shark starts bigger

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Love this update!😋 Weight gained easy, Mermaids/Sharks tail/head sticks out from mouth right before swallowing! Got finished all levels without a problems now! Shark mode looks fun to me, but there's also a bigger mermaid🙃 The mermaids still struggle in a belly after swallowing🤤

There some audio issues appeared, I've noticed that sometimes sounds not played during various events, like swallowing, digestion and everything, well, it actually happens frequently...

P.S. Played on android for now, not sure about PC, it wouldn't hurt to check.


I'll check out the audio issue. And yes it's easier to grow in shark hunts! Predator mode is a bit unbalanced right now fyi, easy at the start then barely any eatable mermaids at toxic waste stage. Quit by that stage if you are afraid of wasting away gold fish!

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I got eaten before I reached it🙂

Cant eat any sharks now, in both cruise and fish mode, I tried hard, but they always grow faster😣

And btw looks like a bigger mermaid cant eat shark from tail?🧐 There's also something with sharks swallowing animation, it eats mermaids instantly, the animation goes too fast, but while eating other big fish, its at normal speed, not sure about mermaids swallowing, could you check it?

(1 edit) (+1)

Yeah the player shark animation speed is a bit wonky, gonna change that too. If you're talking about the pred mode mermaid, they only come from the right side of the screen so they won't be able to get the player's tail yep

Oh, why so? They should eat by the tail too, would be nice to see sharks head in a mermaids mouth😋

You gonna reduce sharks growth in cruise & fish modes?😀 Got ate just one shark for all my attempts🙁 Its great to eat few sharks in early stages.


I may reduce the size, but I want it to be fairly rare to be able to eat sharks

I hate the squids on the light level, but other than that I'm almost at Predator Mode! :D

Yeah I'll probably do something to make it feel less annoying

I'm guessing the shark that shows up at 150 that chases you in the demo is the game's way of forcing the player to lose?

Yep... She even follows you in the air


I got an idea on how to make the game easier on the phone, ditch the flappy bird control scheme and give the player full reign over the up and down control scheme using a slider that dictates the mermaid position on the Y cords

(1 edit) (+1)

I like the idea of the mermaid being able to escape if she currently has a power-up that is still going while she’s in the shark’s belly.

Struggling with cajun would add red pulses to the shark’s belly, struggling with eel would just teleport you out and would require the least effort and there’d of course be the electric effect around the shark’s stomach, squid depend on if you have at least one clone available and the escape would only work if the size of two mermaids exceeded the shark’s max belly size, and with the pufferfish you’d see spikes poking the sharks’s belly during the struggle.

Even if actually escaping shouldn’t be a thing, the added layer of the power-ups adding to the struggle would be really cool to see.

Okay that comment was honestly a hot mess. I thought it would be cool if the eel power also enabled you to escape sharks, simple as that. I’ll let the explosion above remain in case it’s favored. -3-

I love these ideas, will consider it if I do a sequel :)

what do each of the skins do?



The Purple Hair one can combo more small fish in her mouth to get bigger bonus food, the green one earns Goldfish for eating Sharks, and the Brown/Pink one has Double Ability Duration.

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What in the world? They have EFFECTS? I know the info on the first skin is in the update description she debuted in, but where in town did you find the info on the other two?!

HungryBelly answered a comment a few days ago about it here, and I asked them what they meant when they described the Purple one, you can see them here if you dig for a moment or two.

It’s exciting stuff. You may think that the default merm is inferior to her three twins, but think again! HER special ability is having a consistent palette. 😎

The default skin is going to have better swim acceleration actually, next update :)

Buoyancy is a bit punishing atm. Getting to max belly size = guaranteed game over pretty much.

Yep I'm nerfing it next update :)

Why doesn't the game count my goldfish?

Someone else was having this issue, I'm looking into it. Sorry about that


Are any of the extras loading correctly?

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Dude, bruh, and BRO. This update is so good that the excitement it gave me perfectly rivaled my reaction to finally receiving Geometry Dash 2.1 all those years ago! The game is half the price it should be now!

I played Shark Hunt before clicking anything else and I’m glad it did, as it made for a great introduction to the new stuff. The difficulty of Shark Hunt right now, I think, is quite steep in 2 or 3 levels. But it arms you up good and proper for shark dodging and racking up your score according to certain patterns. The new skins are beautiful and right now I think they’re even sexier than what was already available. I will forever dub this the Bubble Update. You put them everywhere - even in the shark’s hair, WHAT! It looks great though. Iconic for the game for sure. Pufferfish is awesome but I don’t think anything will ever beat the cajun in my book. Squid has my favorite altered mermaid design; looks more dressy, and I like it more than the eel. That little bit of lore on the background of Exodus was so cool too.

Two things: Whatever happened to the reddening of the skin upon consuming a cajun, and how do you feel about the idea of the mines instantly digesting a small portion of fish upon swallowing them?

Thanks a ton! I'm proud of the work I've done on this game, and extremely grateful for the traffic it got. I'm excited to move onto more projects! For the red belly, I just removed it because I added more skin colors and can't translate it over well.

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I decided to check out the new update because I haven't played in a while, but I find it's flat out impossible to get anywhere thanks to the first homing shark. She's way too fast to outmaneuver or even to prepare for. There's nothing signaling that this specific shark can track you, so by the time you realize it, it's already too late. Also the fact that said shark can jump as well I find to be incredibly cheap. Jumping outside the water was one of the few consistent strategies against fast sharks before, and now that there's zero safe areas just feels like there's no risk or reward here, you just get punished for playing the game for more than a minute.

I can't even tell what the rest of the game is like because I can't get past 170 fish before the shark comes in. The one time I DID dodge the shark it somehow broke the game. I hope the balancing update comes soon.

Is this in cruise mode and not the demo? The sharks shouldn't start tracking until a few minutes in and the tracking shouldn't be that much. In shark hunts, the shark automatically gets you after 2 minutes. I'll double check the code!

So I looked it up, and it seems like I somehow downloaded the Demo version by mistake. I downloaded the proper version now so none of this stuff applies now. My bad.

Nice I was worried lol


Game is great, more difficult on android, wish there was an option to mute burps as well and an option to go back to previous versions.
powerups being overwritten ends up being annoying especially when you go very big.

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The power ups part is very true, I'm thinking of making it not possible to change your power. Definitely harder on mobile yep, not sure how to help that. As for the burps, would you want there to be an option to just mute all sfx?

No I just want an option to mute the burps with an ingame setting, I noticed the game is hardcoded that if a sound fil is missing, like a burp one, the game crashes, a bandaid fix would be the game to check when you press play if the option to turn off burp sounds is on or off, then to not complicate coding just play dummy files that have no sound, or you could do another bandaid fix where the game checks each timethe burp sound effect plays, but I see this solution explode someone's PC down the line with how many times this check would need to be processed 

I wasn't e expecting adjective noun combo to be credited, I thought he just secluded himself to patreon

Also if you want to make the game easier, add in another gameplay mode, 

In 4his mode you start off like in cruise but you can purchase upgrades in the shop using fish you ate

Like a luck stat to spawn more golden fish, make a specific upgrade fish more common,

Decrease the damage the mines do,

Fatass, reduce the kickback you receive from obstacles, if you know the game burito bison, you might see how similar the game can be, if you want itto be,

Goldfish sprite is hard to see, if you want to pull of a sick joke just do a clownfish sprite(rip nemo)

 I generally have more ideas but I think you already have an ideas guy

Good suggestion, I am currently making it so burps are only played on full gulps, so the sound isn't actually called too often and the game can be redownloaded pretty easily if a file is missing. You did make me realize there are probably too much objects on screen still with all the small fish, so I'm reducing the max count for that. As for the difficulty, the shark hunts will be reduced next update and I will have a predator mode that is basically gambling with gold fish lol. I like the idea of an upgrade mode, would be great for if I made a sequel. 

Has it been crashing on your android?

If the mermaid becomes to big it crashes, didn't test it on pc, could be a memory issue

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Is this cruise mode? I will reduce the overall size cap


That was a heaven mode, the game went on for a while

After the update, I've noticed the game crashes out on android a lot. Especially in the minefields if you eat a mine while having powerups. 

Also could we get an option to toggle the buoyancy/ movement of the character? 

That being said, this game is great! Thank you so much for making it and following through on updates. 

I'm making the movement easier next update! And I'm looking into the crashing that's unfortunate

The "light" level... Does this even possible to complete??😳 I've tried it like 50x times! It's so difficult to control a large mermaid, which is basically logical, hovewer, upon diving to escape from shark you just bounces off bottom right into her mouth, I'm not even saying about all the other obstacles😔...


I'm going to put up an update soon that makes it easier :)

Also a huge green puddles everywhere, I think they shrink mermaid too fast, so annoying.

Get an eel and dash behind them, lets you eat them smaller I think

Yes, I know about this, its not helping, by that time the screen is in complete chaos, even if you manage to eat the eel, you will immediately eat some other creature, which will ruin the effect.


Love the update, and most of the changes made by the patch. The only thing I don't enjoy is the "boyancy" effect at larger sizes. Moving slower at larger sizes makes sense, but the boyancy makes it impossible to move down after a certain point. 

Still great work though!


The bouyancy will be reduced next update :) you can also try using the water surface or the bottom of the water to reverse momentum

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The game crashes out of nowhere on android. 

It can crush right in the begining as well as in late game.

Dang I thought I fixed that... it runs fine with my debug mode but I will try running the export package on my phone and see what happens.

How many gold fish do you need to grow a mermaid to adult?

I think It's between 100-200

Thank you! :D

how to change skin color?

There is no customization, only unique mermaid selections

yeah that one' i can't selected the mermaid i already unlocked

Remember you need to feed them fish until they are at the center of the screen :)

(also can you please lower her buoyant when she's full? it really hard to swim or maybe what about perk stat to upgrade by using golden fish something like better stockpile or have more resist to buoyant)

and what the green hair can do?

She earns you goldfish when you swallow sharks! and yeah next update the buoyancy will be reduced :)



Loving the update, amazing job!

I think the penalty of being full is slightly too much compared to how frequent sharks appear. Or is it intended that players avoid eating sharks whenever possible?

I am going to tone down the movement penalty for sure lol. It's a bit manageable by reversing momentum using the surface and bottom of the screen but I still want more control

I found a fire glitch

What happens? :o 

I think level 5 is still a bit too hard due to the acceleration change, I will change it next update if I still think so by then. I wanted to make  fixing the errors a priority!

So glad to see this update! I'm not sure if adding environmental factors to a shark chasing you is a good idea, but I'm willing to try.

It may be my personal feeling (or is it true?), but the shark hunt mode is a bit difficult.

Also, I want to ask, does eating a mine cause the body to shrink?

mines don't affect your size if you eat it, nope :)

So what the strategy for winning at shark hunt? I can beat the first level but can't seem to get big quickly enough to beat the second. 

I've tried prioritising small fish for more mass, big fish for points, the gold fish to increase capacity quickly, the special ones as they give more points and seem to grow with you but no strategy that I'm doing seems to work. 


For the second level eat eels and use its skill (double tap) to eat the shark from behind

It works. I didn't know that was a thing.


If you do it too close you might dash in front of her and get eaten... probably gonna change that lol

Up to you. I think it's a nice risk reward decision on whether to chance it if you're nearly the right size.


Is there a way to see how many sharks you've eaten, trying to unlock that mermaid


I'm gonna put in a counter next update.. coming soonn


got her, now to feed her a literal crap ton of fish lol

do you plan on adding in an interior game over screen at some point, once you are digested I would love to see a stomach interior with gurgling and muffled burps before trying again.


I'm not much at sound editing but I am considering at least putting in that internal view while the digestion sound continues :)

bit of a late response but that is awesome to hear, I think it would be a great visual break between runs while having the added benefit of being really hot lmao

I really wanted to but I just don't have the assets for that and I want to move on to a new project :/

Thats a shame but I am very interested in anything you work on going forward. 

Is your next project going to be Game Maker? I would love to help with development if I could but I only have experience with Godot

Yeah, I have been using gamemaker for a decade now so it's my fav for sure. I have experience in unity and unreal but godot I opened up just one time

... Huh. Every third or fourth shark just matches my movement perfectly and gets me every time. My runs are now incredibly short. What do I need to avoid doing so I don't get the fail state shark anymore?

If you're playing shark hunt 5 or are just at a high level shark, you can move one way while the warning is up then move the other way. If you are on a fresh save file in cruise and it immediately starts happening, you might have the demo copy

(2 edits)

We did it bois, though that last level is more luck than skill xd, still fun though. How many sharks do you need to unlock the final mermaid? And does the new mermaids have any skills, like the yellow one getting goldfish for eating sharks?


Yep the purple hair has better stockpiling, and the brown hair has double ability duration :)

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Niice, does eating sharks in shark hunt count, or does it have to be cruise mode?


Any mode counts!

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Better Stockpiling?

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You can combo more small fish in her mouth to get bigger bonus food :) 


You unlock the top mermaid by eating 100 sharks total, and the bottom by beating all the shark hunt levels

I dont get what Im ment to do on Shark Hunt Light?


Try swimming up while her warning is showing, then swimming down when it disappears. That's what I do, along with using the abilities the best you can

Sorry for the very late reply, I managed to do it in the end :) Keep up the great work on this game <3

the last challenge of shark hunt seems ridiculously unfair with the insane homing from the shark

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You can trick her by going one direction while the warning is up then going the other direction. I am going to tone it down a bit as well :)

If you use pufferfish ability on heart egg it flings it and then the game bug.

Thanks, I'm going to fix these as soon as I can :)

How do I get Shark Hunt?

Eat a shark! :)

Thank you! :D

Really love the new updates! 

Is it just me, or does the game not recognize how many goldfish you've swallowed? Mine always stays at zero?

In my opinion the fish spawn rate later in the run gets a little crazy.

I'll look into that bug! And yeah I am probably going to adjust the crazy rates lol

Is your goldfish counter still zero? Not finding anything as to how this could happen besides maybe your game isn't saving properly

This happens on light and reverts your progress back to promise.


It keeps shutting off on its own.

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Ya I ran into this once while using the squids power in shark hunt mode,

EDIT: and I'd just like to say thank you, the amount of support you've given this game is phenomenal.

Thanks for letting me know! I'll get to these bugs when I can


Love this update! Lots of fun to see how far this game has come from the first edition to now. If I had one small change to make, maybe an item that stops sharks from spawning for like 10 seconds, like a dolphin edible or something. Haven't gotten too far into the shark hunt so I can't speak for any problems there, but all in all Love this!

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I like that idea! And thanks a ton it's been fun developing this. I do wish I did some more testing before I published the update but I was too excited to put it up lol. 

The mobile version doesn't seem to work, says the .apk conflicts with a different package

Thanks and sorry for the bug, I'll get to it as soon as I can

(1 edit) (+1)

Awesome update, but that Shark Hunt level 'Light' is... Insane. The screen is so crowded and the shark is enormous, it's frequently impossible to avoid her as obstacles bounce you into her path and she seems to track your movements while in motion rather than just swimming in straight lines. last time I got about 30seconds into the level and it crashed. Maybe tone down the amount of stuff on-screen and make the shark slightly smaller/reduce obstacles?

EDIT: And the crash reverted my progress on Shark Hunt back to the previous stage so now I have to complete Promise again.

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Yeah, I just got that crash too. It also reverted my progress...

Edit: sort of fix I found. Once you get to the final level, play a few rounds of cruse or feast mode. Even if you get the crash again it won't delete your progress, and given enough time you should be able to beat it.

'Given enough time' maybe, but I should be able to beat it by skill, not waiting for RNGesus to stop dicking me lol

(2 edits)

Yeah I am gonna reduce the spawns, especially if it's crashing. At high levels, sharks will match your vertical speed or even move slightly up and down during a dash. Once you run out of time in a shark hunt she is unavoidable. Thanks for the feedback!

She's unavoidable seemingly at random, tracking my vertical movement faster than I can ascend/descend. I've been eaten with no way to escape in the first 20 seconds of Light over a dozen times. The lowest I've gotten the timer is 1:03. Sometimes she goes for squid ability decoys, sometimes she ignores them and goes straight for me. I don't mind difficulty but atm there's no predictable pattern or room for maneuver. You can't even reliably use the squid ability because there's so many eels and spicy fish around that you are too big to avoid while also avoiding the shark/mines/toxic waste/getting bounced around by sponges. I've played the level probably 50+ times now and I don't see how anyone can beat it without insane luck.

Also, are bigger bellies actually working? i got over 100,000 points in cruise and was so big sharks had completely stopped spawning, but the mermaid's belly seems to cap out at the same size it always did in previous versions.

Thanks for the feedback, I'm going to do some adjustments for sure :)


Just re uploaded files, Hoping things are good now. Let me know please :o

I've tried "Sanctuary" about a dozen times, no shot this can be beaten. Even tried using CE to fudge scoring and still no dice. Some other prereq to beating it?


If you dash into the shark with the eel power when you are just a little smaller than it you can swallow her. I'll test it out some more, might end up making the levels easier

Deleted 217 days ago

Try and get big-ish and then use the eel power to eat the shark from behind, it worked for me hope it helps :3

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